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WARNING: This product contains nicotine.Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Our products are restricted to adults 21+ only.
All the products shown on Joyetech global official website are not allowed to promote or sell in the U.S. Market.
● Length: 75mm
● Weight: 27.0g
● Two modes for choices

Color: black, silver, white, pink
Universal accessories:
● 510, 510-T, eGo, eGo-T, eGo-C atomizers
Constant voltage output & battery voltage output, intensified short circuit
protection, discharge and overcharge protection, High-safe, high-capacity,
high-magnification and high-stability dedicated lithium battery.
The eGo-C upgrade battery: is the newest improvement of Joytetech. Based on the present eGo-C battery, this upgrade battery has the new function mode --- battery voltage output mode (variable voltage output mode). In this mode, the voltage will change as the battery power changes instead of constant 3.3v output. With high voltage, this will give you a better vapor feeling.
You can also change the mode easily for your choices following the steps shown below:
Special features of eGo-C upgrade battery
This Joyetech upgrade battery has two modes to switch. One is the constant voltage output mode which is what we have used before. Another is variable voltage output mode.
Switching operation and features :
1. From constant voltage output mode to new battery voltage output:
1.1 When the mode is 3.3.v constant output mode, you can lock the battery by 5 clicks (blue LED blinks 3 times).
1.2 By pressing button for 5 seconds, LED will change to orange with 3 blinks. The battery has switched to variable voltage output mode (battery voltage output mode).
1.3 Then you can use as usual by 5 clicks off and smoke in battery voltage output.
1.4 In new battery voltage output mode, the LED is orange and battery doesn't have power display function.
1.5 When charging, orange LED will blink 5 times in this new mode.
2. From new battery voltage output to constant voltage output mode:
2.1 In new battery voltage output mode, you can lock the battery by 5 clicks again (orange LED blinks 3 times).
2.2 By pressing button for 5 seconds, LED will change to blue with 3 blinks. And the mode has switched to
3.3V constant voltage output mode.
2.3 Then you can use as usual by 5 clicks off and smoke in 3.3V constant voltage.
2.4 In 3.3V constant voltage, the battery features has no difference from present eGo-C battery.
2.5 When charging, blue LED blinks 5 times in this mode.
This battery also has the previous lock/unlock function in both of the two modes. The protection switch makes it safer and easier to use and this can prevent accidental battery discharge when not in use.

Screw battery into the hole on the atomizer and gently push the tank cart- ridge into the atomizer, then it's ready for use.

Battery can be easily charged with the assorted USB chargers and there are various chargers for your choices.